March, 18, 2010
Major cities throughout the world last week honored the sixth annual 'Israeli Apartheid Week'. The security barrier that divides much of the Palestinian occupied territories from the State of Israel is a very visible and sobering illustration of the everlasting conflict between these two peoples. These global events taking place throughout the world inspire increasing criticism of the Israeli government and awareness of the grievances of the Palestinian people. Yet they leave out an important aspect of the security barrier's intention; to preserve the lives of the Israeli citizenry and subsequently, Palestinian lives as well. Additionally, John Holmes, the UN humanitarian coordinator, visited the region this past week assessing the potentiality of a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and has expressed that a two-state solution may no longer be viable in the near future due to the "land for peace" issue that Israel continues to infringe upon. Unfortunately this week, none of the Israeli grievances have been considered, either by the participants of 'Israeli Apartheid Week', nor by Holmes, instead all of this ballyhoo only stymies the peace process further.
The international community should be reluctant in picking a side and instead should aid in the process and use constructive criticism regarding both parties rather than singling one out. This approach neglects the very reason the wall has been established. During the height of the second intifada, the Israeli government had little choice but to physically inhibit the opportunity for suicide bombers to enter into Israel and terrorize the Israeli civilian population. This type of warfare is known as a 'punishment' war strategy which seeks to systematically target civilian populations in order to reduce their morale low enough forcing them to seek change in their government's public policies. This indeed occurred. The policy instigated in suicide terrorism was a security barrier between the two peoples. Rand Corporation's Bruce Hoffman, a world renowned counter-terrorism expert also expresses the need for Israel to erect and preserve defensive borders that disrupt or stop the strategic planning and operational capabilities for suicide bombers to carry out their operations. One must consider; when a government is faced with a national security threat like suicide terrorism that aims to terrorize its population, it is obligated to protect the welfare of its people. Putting all other political issues aside, this national security measure has proven itself a necessity. Since 2008, nearly 60% of the wall has been constructed and suicide terrorism has dropped immensely.
In addition to the security barrier, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) has also positioned itself in areas of the West Bank for intelligence purposes. . In Hoffman's book entitled Inside Terrorism he explains that by positioning Israeli security forces within the occupied territories these units are able to send in forces and engage quickly with organizations and individuals who are mobilizing for an attack, dismantling their efforts prior to their entry into Israel. These measures including the security barrier have stopped nearly 85% of Palestinian terrorist activities according to Hoffman. Therefore, the wall has served to protect both Israeli lives as well as Palestinian shahadas- or martyrs. Participants of 'Israeli Apartheid Week' refuse to acknowledge the reasons the wall exists, as dismal as its appearance may be, it is a governmental obligation of the Israeli government to its people.
Concurrently, this week, a human rights activist group condemned efforts of Israeli Defense Forces as well as Israeli police for seeking to stop or discourage the rock throwers in Jerusalem because the organization explained that these people have the right to protest the demolition of their homes. I didn't realize that violent protests were an acceptable method of expression. Rocks too have the ability to injure if not kill people . Terrorist organizations within Gaza have also referred to the recent uprisings as the Third Intifada and have encouraged people within Israel to take up arms therefore, Israelis have the right to quell the violence before it erupts into another traumatic, drawn-out war.
My intention with this blog is to simply represent the other side of this story. While people protest the wall, I am simply putting forth the effective reasons it exists. I would argue that most Israelis would prefer not to have a wall at all either, yet the alternative is intolerable. The State of Israel continues to be demonized on this issue however, when the facts are presented, it is a reasonable solution to a very severe and debilitating national security threat. Therefore, we as members of the international community really need to assess the grievances shared by both parties in this conflict and understand that Israelis, just as the Palestinians, are reluctant to trust one another even if peace talks resume in the near future.
I am no advocate for settlement building and the purpose of this blog is to merely lay out reasons for the establishment of the security barrier, however as issues have unfolded regarding the construction issue, it is certainly noteworthy to add that Jerusalem neither East nor West were ever a part of the moratorium agreement; therefore, I think it is a mistake that Biden and Obama have gotten so riled up over construction in East Jerusalem, which sits within the Jerusalem municipality and should never be considered a 'settlement'; it is a city where Jews and Muslims live in very close proximity to one another.
Kellie! I learn sooo much from your writings and it has actually led me to be more aware of what is going on over there. You are so smart lol :) Love you! - Amanda
ReplyDeleteThanks Amanda! This one is a bit all over the place! I started it prior to the announcement of new construction in Jerusalem that emboldened the Obama Administration. Initially I intended to write this as a factual response to the world-wide protests regarding the efficacy of the security barrier. However, the settlement issue arose at an in opportune time for the publication of this blog so I felt compelled to remark on it, although that was not what this blog was about.
ReplyDeleteI am so happy that you are learning from these, that is why I write them, so that everyone at home who wishes to know what life is really like over here, in this part of the world, can! Thanks again for reading it!